About life4-0_dev

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So far life4-0_dev has created 4 blog entries.

Makeathon Finals

60 participants at the 1st Smart Farming Makeathon Colombia Students from different disciplines assumed the risk of designing a prototype in only three days. Is it possible to design a prototype that can solve an agricultural problem in three days? What looks impossible was one of the main bets of the 1st Makeathon Colombia, [...]

Makeathon Finals2017-08-31T09:09:33+02:00

Day 2: Smart Farming Challenge

We noticed the exhaustion from yesterday upon waking up, and that explained the time of arrival of some. The early birds arrived at 7am to take an optional training to use the manufacturing lab. Unfortunately, due to the fact that there weren’t enough of the Personal Protection Elements needed, this training had to be [...]

Day 2: Smart Farming Challenge2017-08-10T10:53:44+02:00

Day 1: Smart Farming Challenge

What a day! The first day arriving early was easy. The excitement and expectations were at a peak and we all wanted the event to begin straight away. The organizers arrived at 7am to make sure everything was ready for the arrival of the participants, who were expected at 8am, and they got surprised [...]

Day 1: Smart Farming Challenge2017-08-07T09:22:12+02:00

Smart Farming Makeathon
2-5 August 2017

IMPLEMENT YOUR IDEAS IN 4 DAYS Smart Farming consists in the utilization of modern Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture. It is not about genetically modifying plants but about merging domains as Internet of Things, Big Data, Computer Vision, Robotics, Automation and Precision Agriculture in order to increase the efficiency of resources for a sustainable and productive agriculture! Welcome to this new [...]

Smart Farming Makeathon
2-5 August 2017