Makeathon Preparations

We sold out the 1st Makeathon Colombia! Having sixty students and fifteen companies registered.
Additional students are already lining up in the waiting list for attending the event! Moreover, registered students are coming from six different Colombian universities and even one French school!

Our fully committed team of nine Colombian students, a Colombian and an Italian teacher have worked together day and night to make this event happen!

We are proud to be working with excellent and world-renowned partners such as the WWF, who have provided the input to make the smart farming challenges pertinent and interesting!

We will have great workshops for our participants to enrol, from using drones in agriculture to visual recognition technologies and even 3D printing! Also, we will have an electronics store in campus supplying all the necessary hardware without any additional fee for the participants.

Great News!

The Colombian Ministry of Agriculture and the Colombian Ministry of Information Technologies will be attending the event!

We will be able to receive additional input about the Colombian government policies regarding Smart Farming and show them how good we are for innovating at Makeathons!

Preparations are almost finished and we are looking forward for the event to start!

Event Details